Finished size: 14 5/8" x 13 3/4" Cat Carrier
Skill: 1 Time: 2 Cost: 3
You will need:• 1 1/3 yds. multicolor patch fabric*
• 3/4 yd. purple cat fabric*
• Block fabrics*: 2 cat, 2 orange, 2 yellow
• Cotton batting*
• 13 1/2" x 10 1/2" sheet plastic canvas (or other flexible plastic)
• Variegated threads for quilting & top stitching*
• Optional: Rotary cutter, mat
Embroidery needles, pencil, ruler, scissors, steam iron & board, straight pins, tape measure
• Use 1/4" seam allowances unless otherwise indicated.
• Sew pieces with right sides together
• Press seams to one side after sewing each seam unless otherwise indicated.
STEP 1: Cut fabric. Cut 5 3/8" square blocks: 2 cats, 2 orange, and 2 yellow. From purple fabric, cut one 4 1/2" x 15 1/8" front strip, one 5 1/2" x 15 1/8" bottom strip, one 14 1/4" x 15 1/8" back piece, and two 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" ends. From multicolor fabric, cut the following pieces: one 15 1/8" x 33 1/2" lining, two 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" lining sides, and two 3 1/2" x 28 ½ straps. From plastic canvas, cut two 5" x 13 1/2" strips.
STEP 2: Sew outer layer. For front, sew two rows of three blocks with cat blocks in center and alternating arrangement of yellow and orange blocks (Figure 1). Join block units with one 4 1/2" x 15 1/8" purple strip (Figure 2). For bottom, sew 5 1/2" x 15 1/8" purple piece to bottom edge of block unit. For back, sew 14 1/4" x 15 1/8" purple piece to this piece (Figure 3).
Lay this unit right side down. Stack two plastic canvas strips and lay over carrier bottom (5" x 15 1/8" purple section). Whipstitch plastic canvas to bottom, stitching to seam allowances on each side.
Pin outer layer unit right side up on batting. Cut batting to same size. Quilt outer layer to batting with stipple quilting on the purple areas of the front and back (Figure 4). For sides, pin two purple 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" purple pieces on top of batting and cut out. Quilt together with stipple quilting.
STEP 3: Sew straps. Fold and press down a 1/4" hem on one long edge of each multicolor strap. Cut two pieces of batting 1" x 28 1/2". Center one batting strip on wrong side of one strap piece. Fold edge without hem over batting. Fold edge with hem on top of first fold, arranging batting so folded edge is next to edge of strap. Topstitch length of strap 1/8" from each side edge. Repeat for remaining strap.
STEP 4: Sew lining. Fold multicolor lining piece in half and pin to mark center lengthwise on each side. Mark center of 5 1/2" edge of a multicolor side piece and pin right sides together to side edge of lining, matching center marks. Repeat on opposite side (Figure 5). Sew bottom edges of side pieces to lining, stopping and starting 1/4" from edges. Clip seam allowance of lining only to points where seam begins and ends. Note: Be careful not to cut through stitching. Turn lining. Pin to side edge of side piece and stitch. Repeat for other side of side piece (Figure 6). Sew remaining side piece in same way. Press seams and leave wrong side out.
STEP 5: Assemble carrier. Sew quilted purple side pieces to carrier bottom in same way as Step 4. Pin and sew ends of one strap to front top edge of carrier, aligning raw edges with ends of straps 2" from side edges. Make sure strap does not get twisted (Figure 7). Repeat for remaining strap, sewing it to top back edge of carrier. Place carrier right side out inside lining. Align and pin all edges. Straps will be between carrier and lining. Stitch together, leaving a 6" opening along top edge for turning. Trim corners and clip where end pieces are sewn. Turn right side out and whipstitch opening closed. Top stitch across top edges of side end pieces 1/2" from edge.
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